A man installing door hardware | ADH

How to Replace your Door Hardware?

Replacing door hardware can give your home a fresh look and added security. But if you’re not a seasoned DIYer, tackling this task might seem daunting. Don’t fret! We aim to give you a step-by-step guide so you can confidently replace your door hardware like a pro.

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A man in a blue shirt fixing a door | ADH

Guide to Changing Door Hardware

Changing door hardware can be a simple and cost-effective way to upgrade a home. Here is a comprehensive yet concise guide on the process of changing different types of door hardware, including door knobs, handles, and locks.

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Your Ultimate Guide to Seamless Door Hardware Replacement

A door hardware replacement is like giving your doors a new lease on life. But before you barge into the world of replacement door hardware, there are a few things you need to know. In this article, we’ll walk you through the what, why, and how of replacing door hardware. So, if you’re ready to give your doors a fresh look, keep reading!

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ADH - Man opening kitchen cabinet doors

10 Tips to Spruce Up Kitchen Cabinet Doors

When was the last time you gave your kitchen some love? If you can’t remember, then it’s high time to consider upgrading kitchen cabinets! They play a crucial role in your kitchen’s functionality and aesthetics, so giving them a refresh

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ADH - Black barn door inside house

Your Ultimate Barn Door Buying Guide for 2023

When it comes to home design, the saying “out with the old, in with the new” doesn’t always hold true. Many homeowners are now embracing the beauty of the past by incorporating elements of rustic and farmhouse styles into their

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ADH - Latch on an Antique Cabinet

The Basics of Cabinet Latches: A Handy Guide You Can Use

Nothing safeguards your cabinets more effectively than a reliable and functional cabinet latch. Cabinet latches are devices that secure cabinet doors in a closed position. They ensure that your cabinet doors remain shut, preventing accidental openings and maintaining a neat

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ADH Blog 1 - Cover Image

Why Door Closer Installation is Essential: A DIY Guide

A door closer offers benefits beyond convenience. Because it shuts the door automatically after someone passes through it, the device ensures better security as it prevents access to unauthorized people, making it essential in both business and residential settings. It also

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ADH-Keyless Entry Door Lock

Installing a Keyless Entry Door Lock

With the increasing popularity of smart home technology, the keyless door lock has become a preferred choice among homeowners. This electronic lock can be operated using a code, a fob, a fingerprint, or Bluetooth technology, eliminating the need for physical

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